Oh, sweet Raegan…
I was contacted by Dillon, her dad, and he was stressed. Dillon and Katie had just brought Raegan home and couldn’t find a newborn photographer that could get them in. From what I was told, Katie was starting to get really upset, so dad mode kicked in and he was determined to find a newborn photographer for Raegan.
He called me and since I have my business line and my personal line as the same number, I just answered as I would for a friend. He quickly asked, “Is this the photographer in Cave Springs?” haha yep! We spoke and he thought they couldn’t find a photographer because of COVID, which then sent me into panic mode because I thought that I wasn’t updated in current restrictions and immediately thought, “Oh no! Am I supposed to be shut down?” I started checking the Secretary of State website, the State of Arkansas website to just see if this was the case… thankfully it wasn’t.
I gave Dillon some dates that I had available for a lifestyle session that they chose, and we got them scheduled. When I pulled up to their house, it was a rainy morning and not a lot of natural light was coming through, but that wasn’t a problem. I walked up to their door and saw a sign along the lines of, “Please don’t knock, it upsets the dog, which upsets the baby, which upsets momma”. So I text Dillon and let him know I was there. When Katie opened the door, I apologized and told her I didn’t want to disturb anyone and she laughed stating that I was the only one that even paid attention to that sign.
When I walked in, I was pleasantly surprised that their Christmas tree was up and they told me that with all the horrible things happening in 2020, they needed a little cheer in their life, aside from Raegan. I thought this was absolutely adorable. We then went into Raegan’s nursery, which by the way was absolutely adorable and perfect. They opened blinds to let the natural light in and started turning the overhead lights on. This was fine because I knew how to correct the imperfections in post when editing.
When we were done, we moved to the living room and grabbed some cute wrapped images by the Christmas tree. They then asked me if we could grab some family images with their dog, Russell. I told them of course! He was two years old, however, such a puppy at heart. He got so excited to see his family and new little sister. He gave her kisses and Raegan didn’t even act like she was phased at all. When Russell finally got settled (thanks to some cheese) we got the cutest little family picture for them.
Congratulations, Dillon & Katie. Raegan is so perfect and absolutely adorable!

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