Oh sweet little Averie. Logan contact me about an in home newborn session, after Averie was born on 10/24.
When I arrived at Logan and Tristan’s home, I was honestly just in awe. They have a gorgeous home, full of natural light. I got so excited when I glanced down the hall at their perfect nursery. After washing my hands, I went in and saw Averie sleeping in her bassinet and instructed Logan on how the session would go, and if she had any thoughts before getting started. She quickly told me that she fully trusted me in what I would like to do for their newborn session.
We went into the nursery and got started. First instructing Logan and Tristan in front of the window, on the posed images, then capturing more candid images. Quickly Averie got hungry and wanted to feed. This definitely wasn’t an issue, and I told Logan and Tristan that with babies I have to go by their lead as they are little humans themselves. With being around 2 weeks old she was starting to have her cluster feeding phase, so she wanted to feed more than usual.
We moved from the window to the chair to the crib. I took detailed images and sweet cuddles. Luckily before I left, Logan asked me to take one specific image for her, and it ended up being one of my most favorite images from the session. During the session I also found out that Logan and Tristan had gone through a few losses before having Averie. She is truly such a great baby and I feel like the perfect baby for them.
I can’t wait to hopefully watch her grow.

After delivering Averie’s gallery, I asked Logan if she would be willing to bring Averie into my studio so that I could have her model a few rainbow items that I had just received and hadn’t had a chance to use yet. They graciously came in, however Averie had her own ideas when it came to the session.
She did not want to sleep, and when she did finally close her eyes, she was right back at it within a minute. However, I am pretty happy with the way her images turned out and being able to honor the babies her parents lost before her.

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