Emerson… the little girl who slept through pretty much the entire session. YAY!
Kayla contacted me I believe in September to schedule their newborn session for their baby girl, Emerson. With her scheduling in September, she had picked a date within the range I recommend after the due date to have her studio newborn session. Kayla chose December 5, but she was due November 20. Well, Emerson decided to come just a smidge early, so Kayla contacted me requesting to move the session up, which was fine with me, as I only take a specific amount of newborns each month so that if I need to reschedule one, I can.
Emerson was 6 days when she came into the studio and she was such a great baby. She slept through almost all of the poses that I had lined up for her. I think she woke up for maybe 15 to 30 minutes to feed then passed right back out. With her session, and her ability to sleep amazingly, we were able to get through the family poses, 4 tabletop poses, and I believe 5 wrapped poses within a 3-hour time frame.
During Emerson’s session, I spoke with Kayla and Robert about how the delivery was (a quick one), and how everything was going for them, and how great of a baby Emerson was. During the session, they did request some Christmas images, as we are pretty close to the holidays. I believe they primarily wanted the holiday images for Christmas cards they needed to send out.
After the session, we talked about the different client perks they had now with choosing me as their newborn photographer, and if they wanted to do any milestone sessions with Emerson, however with them potentially having a change in their lives, we weren’t sure if milestones would be an option for them.
Congratulations Kayla and Robert. Emerson is so adorable!

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