How Old Should Your Newborn Be For Photographs | A Guide For When to Have Your Baby’s Newborn Images Taken
“How old should my newborn be for photographs?” This is a question I get a lot. Really, there is no tried and true age or days old that your newborn should be at the time of their newborn photography session, however, there are some great age ranges to keep in mind when scheduling. But, before you can schedule, you’ll need to ask yourself a few quick questions about your style and preference for a newborn photography session. Do you like lifestyle-type newborn photography, do you prefer having your newborn in a studio for their newborn photography session, or would you prefer your newborn photography session to be in the hospital? Let’s break these down for you now.
Lifestyle Newborn Images | How Old Should My Newborn Be For Photographs

Mom cradling her babies head next to a window
Lifestyle newborn photography sessions are very laid back and will have limited posing. To me, this type of session is really about enjoying your time with your newborn, focusing on the little details of them, their nursery, and your new life together. Lifestyle newborn sessions are typically done in your home. Again for me, my main focus when doing this type of newborn photography session, I’ll be in the nursery getting little details and capturing as many raw emotions and non-posed images as possible. How old should your newborn be for photographs during a lifestyle session? I recommend having images done between 5 days and 1 month old, of course, this is all dependent on when your baby was born gestationally and how you feel after delivery. Most moms will want to have this done around two weeks after birth, as they are beginning to feel like themselves. At this point, moms are getting around their house better, they are getting into rhythms with their baby and learning exactly what to expect each day. Mom’s tend to feel more like themselves at this point and are able to fix their hair and makeup better for the session, and aren’t as exhausted as they typically are within the first two weeks of their baby’s life.
Studio Newborn Images | How Old Should My Newborn Be For Photographs

Madeline posed in froggie position on a white backdrop.
Studio newborn photography sessions are not as laid back as lifestyle or Fresh 48, but they are still such a great session to have. With this session, I offer my clients a variety of images that include family, sibling, traditional posed, and wrapped images, however, you will definitely want to check with your photography to see what they offer for their studio newborn session. Studio newborn sessions you will typically have done at the photographer’s place of business, however, sometimes you may find an amazing photographer that will come to you with all their equipment and do the studio-style session as your home. This particular session is about 3 hours long and is baby-led, as the photographer who is trained in proper newborn posing cannot just put your child in a pose and force them to stay. Newborn photographers will understand that your baby is a little human who is learning in this brand new world and will want to eat, sleep, cry, a cuddle. How old should your newborn be for photographs during an in-studio session? I recommend your baby be between 5 to 21 days old. Why this age range? At 5 days old your newborn will typically be very tired and willing to sleep the entire session, making it easier for your newborn photographer, however sometimes you don’t get so lucky with that particular age. Around the two to three week mark, after your newborn is born, your newborn is typically in a rhythm and will not need to be cluster fed, they have developed a good sleeping pattern, and have figured out how to eat efficiently allowing them to eat and quickly fall asleep during your newborn session. During the studio newborn session, the photographer definitely wants your child to be nice and sleepy for their session as well, so typically they will try to schedule for after two weeks postpartum, however, if you feel more comfortable with your newborn having their session done early, be sure to let your photographer know. They will let you be aware of their policies and get you scheduled for an earlier time if they can.
Fresh 48 Newborn Images | How Old Should My Newborn Be For Photographs

Quinn in her baby bassinet at the hospital looking towards the window.
Fresh 48 newborn photography is a style of session that is typically done while you are still admitted to the hospital and your baby is within 48 hours after birth. This style of newborn photography really focuses on your newest addition’s littlest details – think their fingers, toes, little nose, their umbilical cord, fine hair details, and much more. With this session, you really celebrate your newborn and their arrival. Sometimes during this session moms will not want to be included in the images as they aren’t feeling the best with just giving birth. Another option for this session if you are discharged really quickly from your hospital or your hospital won’t allow outside visitors – likely because of Covid-19 – you can also have a fresh 48 newborn session done at your home, as long as it’s done within the first 48 hours after birth. I truly feel like newborns change so quickly within the first week, and if you are wanting their first moments in the world captured, you will definitely want to have this session done as soon as possible.
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