Sweet Noelle… Seriously, she was the absolute sweetest and loved to work her tongue in the most comical of times.
Noelle’s mom, Erin, contacted me via my website about my newborn pricing. I feel like after I replied to her, anything that could go wrong, did. Technology was definitely not my friend during her request. Typically, after a week of the parents thinking about the session, I will follow up with them letting them know of other services I have available, and to let me know if I can assist them in any way in the future. Well… when I sent this, it turns out she didn’t receive my email about pricing information. I felt horrible! So I immediately called Erin to discuss pricing information.
After we got off the phone, Erin then went into labor later on that day. Crazy right?! She wasn’t due for another two weeks. The following Friday, Erin contacted me wanting to schedule her newborn photography session. I emailed her back letting her know exactly what I had available, and I didn’t hear back. I assumed that I had done something wrong, however, she was emailing me back and I wasn’t receiving them. Frustrating, right?!
Luckily, Erin called me the morning of one of the dates I told her was available and asked if the 2:00 was still good for me, and it was. I immediately sent over my contract information and a baby prep guide for her to look over. Once Erin and her family arrived for their session, I started apologizing and letting them know I have no clue what happened, but I was going to look into it, as that’s not an experience I want my clients to have.
The session went almost flawlessly. Noelle’s sisters cooperated for me, we got some amazing family images, and there were only a few poses that Noelle did not like. The pinks that I pulled for her session, as requested by Erin, were the perfect shades they were looking for.
I’m so happy that they followed through with me, despite the technical issues we were having in the beginning.
Congratulations, Erin and Nica!

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