William | NWA Baby Photography

baby wrapped in ball on a blue backdrop with bonnet on

baby wrapped in ball on a blue backdrop with bonnet on

William | NWA Baby Photography

William’s mom contacted me when he was just about 2 months old and still in the NICU wanting a baby photography session with me. She wanted to still capture those tiny little details that he still had, and just have the traditional baby photography images that you usually get when their first born. I let William’s mom know that I would definitely try however I couldn’t guarantee the cute little images that she was hoping for. She was definitely fine with that and wanted to proceed. She just wanted to try and get the images.

The Consultation

I had Faith, William’s mom, come into the studio so that we could have our pre-booking consultation. This is a time where I go through little details, pricing details, and begin planning with my clients for their sessions if they want to move forward. Faith and I talked about what she wanted for William’s newborn session, I showed her the prints and collection boxes of matted prints that were available, and we discussed pricing in detail. She knew right then and there that she wanted the collection box for him. Although I don’t need to know what my clients are wanting to purchase at the pre-booking consultation, it is helpful to know what they are hoping for. I understanding that this could change between the pre-booking consultation and the ordering appointment itself. After we chatted and knew the details of what she wanted in her son’s baby photography session, Faith decided that she wanted to hold off on scheduling a date as William was still in the NICU. I agreed, and let her know to contact me when she was ready to schedule.

The Session

At the time of William’s baby photography session, he was four months old. I kept telling his mom that I would try my hardest but I couldn’t guarantee any specific baby photography poses requested, as he was 4 months old and 2 months adjusted age from his due date. Faith completely understood and just let me do my thing. Faith and William were honestly the sweetest humans possible. Faith was always willing to help me, and let me know exactly what needed to be done to calm William down, as my normal techniques didn’t quite work for him. For his NWA baby photography session, I posed him in potato wrap, where he did amazingly well and was very calm throughout the entire process. After the potato wrap pose, I put him in a new basket that I had just received and tried the forward leading potato, although I couldn’t get him positioned right, I didn’t want to lose the image, so while his mom was beside him, I went to grab some posing tools to help me get him in the right position for a backward laying potato in the basket. This worked amazingly and was one of his mom’s favorite baby photography images. Once I was done with the potato poses, I decided to do a crisis cross wrap with him. This was done with a light brown and cream wrap and backdrop. This is when I focused on his little details, such as his nose, toes, hands, ears, and so on. The little details that Faith wanted me to focus on for his NWA baby photography session with me. Once I was done with his details I did tucked in pose, then moved to the backdrop table to do the refined baby photography poses. On the table, I worked on head on hands, bum-up, and side-lying pose. I knew that with William being older I didn’t want to try too much with him that would make him upset, but I did want to attempt the poses in general for his mom. I’m so glad that I did though because he was amazing during his entire session. We ended his baby photography session with mugshots or expression shots so that his mom could remember his little expressions.

The Ordering Appointment

Faith came in with William and I let her know how excited I was for her to finally see the baby photography images of him. She was just as excited as I was and quickly made her decisions as to which images she was going to keep and which images she didn’t want to keep. Once she was done picking her images, I asked her what type of products she was thinking of, whether they were digitals or prints. She quickly states that she would like to go ahead with the collection box that included matted prints of her baby photography session, and the digital images included. This particular package also included a complimentary session fee within 12 months so that she could get her little guy scheduled in for his one-year milestone session. Faith decided to design her baby photography collection box with a darker metallic blue color, as well as debossing the cover to have William’s name on it. Her purchase also included a gift of a walnut box full of duplicate prints she had ordered as well as a mounted 8×10 print of one of her favorite images from the session.

All in all, I absolutely adored this NWA baby photography session and can’t wait to see William grow. If you are interested in your NWA baby photography session, use the contact page to reach out and let me know any questions you might have. I can’t wait to chat with you!

baby on white backdrop with moms hand comforting himbaby laying on back smiling on a green backdropnewborn cuddling with mom in a studio with a black backdrop

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